Astonish products reviewed by different users — Plant Shift

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Following a plant-based or vegan lifestyle, is about food, drink, clothes, shoes, body treatments, hair products and more. 

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Astonish products reviewed by different users

Astonish have a huge range of products, and all of them are gentle on our hands, yet strong enough to make cleaning easy! You can read an interview with Nick from Astonish here

This article features reviews that have been written by Janet Higgins, Stella Goddard and Evelyn Smith

I put this article together because I wanted to share what others think of Astonish products. I love them, because they're vegan, they're transparent about being against animal testing and are firm about the fact that animal products don't need to be used to make cleaning easy or effective.  

What Janet Higgins thinks of Astonish products 

I am so glad that I came across the whole range of Astonish products in a local hardware shop, which must be a big seller, as many a time when I have visited; the product I have wanted to buy have sold out. This is not only due to the how great the products perform, but it's also because of how reasonably priced they are. 

The cost of Astonish products is certainly a big motivator for the customer to buy them. The price ranges from £1 - £1.20 in the shop where I buy them. The most important point for me, is that they are all vegan, cruelty free and registered with The Vegan Society.

Stella Goddard's opinion of Astonish cleaning products 

I’ve used Astonish products for many years. It began in the 1990’s when I discovered a tub of paste in a local hardware shop. I was delighted to find it was not only cruelty free and vegan, but the most effective kitchen and bathroom cleaning product I’d ever used. Since then it has been terrific to see the range of products and availability increase. 

It’s almost impossible to avoid finding Astonish products, and since they are vegan and environmentally friendly, they are a firm favourite in my household. From liquid hand-wash to dishwasher tablets, and window cleaner, the range has something for every cleaning need. I like the packaging, clear labelling and fresh fragrances, but the best bit is they all work! 

If you care about animals, the environment and want quality cleaning products, Astonish is the company for you. I can’t recommend Astonish products highly enough.

Evelyn Smith's experience of Astonish's range of cleaning products 

I love everything about Astonish. They are a British company who make cruelty free and vegan household products. They are products reasonably priced and of great quality. I know many non-vegans who are huge Astonish fans too. 

Astonish are proud to be vegan and cruelty free and they make this very clear on their website:

'At Astonish we’re not only people kind (we love making cleaning tasks quicker & easier for you) but animal kind too.

We believe that cleaning products don’t need to be tested on animals or contain any animal derived ingredients to deliver astonishing results. A belief we’ve held since we were established over 40 years ago now.

We’re proud to be approved by cruelty free international and the Vegetarian society as well as being Vegan society registered. Look out for the logos on pack. Make the change to cruelty free cleaning and become squeaky clean!'

I love this message that they share so openly. 

Review by product 

Astonish Window & Glass Cleaner

This is a great product. It cleans my windows, doesn't leave any streaks and is easy to apply and polish off. 

Astonish Stainless Steel Cleaner

This works wonders on my hob top and is non-abrasive. People have asked me what I clean it with, because its so clean. 

Astonish Kitchen Cleaner

I use this to keep my kitchen worktops clean and fresh and it has a lovely zesty smell.

Astonish Washing Up Liquid

I love the whole range of Washup. They are very economical as a little goes a long way and they smell lovely. I am currently using the Mango and Freesia Washup, which is lovely. 


Astonish make several really good washing up liquid's that have built in antibacterial properties. My favourite is the Mango & Freesia scented liquid. They have really nice top down bottles which stop them getting messy and I find makes me use less too!
The bottles are huge and they last for ages! I recently bought a 600ml bottle for £1, which is amazing value! 
This stuff is great for cleaning glassware and it smells so good it makes you want to eat it! 

Astonish Oven Cleaner

The oven cleaner is one of my cupboard essentials. Nothing removes stuck on grime like this stuff. I have also found it does an incredible job of cleaning the sink, taps and my chrome kettle! What is great about this product is you quite often find it in pound shops! It is fume free and their is no need to wear gloves. Cool right!

Astonish Ultimate Limescale Remover 

My absolute favourite is the limescale remover spray. We live in a hard water area and scale build up is a problem, but my bathroom taps and shower remain clean & shiny thanks to regular use. It is also a bonus that scrubbing is not required! Simply spray on, then wipe off. Couldn’t be easier. It almost feels like cheating!

Astonish Handwash 

The handwash is another item we use daily. We have tried all the fragrances and like them all. My current favourite is the recently launched cranberry & cinnamon. I work, and have family of five so I’m always busy cleaning, washing and cooking. My hands are in and out of water all the time, but the Astonish hand-washes leave my skin feeling soft and moisturised.


My favourite hand wash is without doubt the coconut scented hand wash. It doesn't just clean your hands, but leaves them feeling moisturised and smelling divine. What more could you want from a hand wash? On top of that I recently bought this for £1.39 not bad for a 500ml bottle!

Astonish Stain Remover Target Spray

Another very impressive item is the stain remover. I have a lovely crochet mat which my grandmother made over 50 years ago. My husband recently went foraging and came back with a wonderful haul of blackberries. He washed them and let them sit on a paper towel covered tray to dry, and placed them on the small table with the crochet cloth. To my dismay, the next day I found that the paper cloth on the tray had been in contact with the crochet mat, and a large area was stained with blackberry juice. I panicked, drove to the nearest supermarket, purchased well known brands of stain remover and spent the next 2 hours trying to get the mark out of the mat. By this time it had gone from purple to grubby blue then to a dirty gray colour. It was getting worse and I was so upset by the thought of it being ruined.
The following day I was able to get into my local town where I popped into the 99p store to see if there was an Astonish product that might help. To my surprise, there was a spray specifically for removing stains. I was hopeful but not too optimistic since all my attempts the previous evening had failed. I dropped the crochet into the sink and sprayed liberally, then let it sit for a while before rinsing. The stain came out! It was restored to the beautiful cream cloth that I treasured!!! 

Aren't these reviews amazing? After putting this together, I want to go and buy the things I haven't tried yet!

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"Housework is something you do that nobody notices until you don’t do it."
- Author Unknown

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