Plant Shift

love ♥ living ♥ vegan

Following a plant-based or vegan lifestyle, is about food, drink, clothes, shoes, body treatments, hair products and more. 

It's a conscious decision to think, walk and possibly, talk a better lifestyle. 

I support individuals who are thinking about making the shift, as well as, those who have already begun their plant-based journey.

Filtering by Category: Tips

Dr. Mehta is on hand to help us work out which research is worthy of our attention!

Which studies should I believe? 

There are so many studies being quoted all over the place! One recommends a certain level of drinking but another study negates it. There's some excitement about dairy being harmful, followed by statements that it isn't! How do we know what to believe? What should we embrace and strive towards? 

Dr. Tushar Mehta describes the characteristics of a good study, to help us work out which studies we should ignore and which ones we should pay attention to. 

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Astonish products reviewed by different users

Astonish have a huge range of products, and all of them are kind to the environment, yet strong enough to make cleaning easy! You can read an interview with Nick from Astonish here

This article features reviews of various cleaning products. The reviews have been written by Janet Higgins, Stella Goddard and Evelyn Smith. 

I put this article together because I wanted to share what others think of Astonish products. I love them, because they're vegan, they're transparent about being against animal testing and are clear that animal products don't need to be used to make cleaning easy or effective.  

Read on to find out what Janet, Stella and Evelyn think of the products they've used so far. 

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Is it hard for those who aren't vegan to make a vegan meal?

How do non-vegan friends manage when they want to invite vegans over for a meal?

Friends and family often show love through food. It's often a time to sit, socialise, give the body what it needs, and possibly go a bit further, and indulge, with those you care about! 

I've heard and seen people get stressed and anxious over cooking a vegan meal, before the 'guests' have been asked, or date has been set. This fear and insecurity is often pre-everything, and I've seen it go either way. The host might find someone to talk it through with, after which they usually realise that they can make something without difficulty. Alternatively, they may not entertain the thought any further and decide to avoid cooking at home and meet everyone in a restaurant, or simply not go ahead with the food part of the meet-up.

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Video interview: how I shifted from a veggie diet to a vegan lifestyle

Interviewing vegan businesses

I've been interviewing vegan businesses for a while now. It started off by creating articles in which I invited the business to share some of the following information:-

  • raise awareness about what they sell,
  • discuss what made them create the business, 
  • share what their goals are 
  • how customers can buy their products 
  • express if their product is affected by the use of vegan 'ingredients'

However, more recently, I've ventured into the world of video. I have started recording short interviews with vegan businesses, through which they share what's new and show how they've grown since they began their journey. 

Read on to find out about my journey to a vegan lifestyle.

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Is shopping as a vegan really that difficult?

Shopping for vegan food items is difficult... 

Many people firmly believe that shopping for vegan food items is difficult. I used to agree. It was hard because, vegan alternatives weren't as readily available as they are now, and labelling wasn't clear. However, from 13th December 2014, the EU Food Information for Consumers Regulation (EU FIC) has made identifying allergens much easier. Of course, this means that shopping is easier and faster! In addition to this, supermarkets are raising their game in terms of providing vegan food items. So the barriers that existed are being melted away. 

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Why Travel is Better When You're Vegan

Wendy Werneth is a keen traveller and she's vegan! You'd think she'd change her lifestyle choice when she's travelling to ensure that her holidays are better, less restrcited and more indulgent, but guess what? She continues living vegan while she's away! On the contrary to what many people will assume; she finds it a richer, happier experience! 
I absolutely love Wendy's attitude and the energy that comes through this article. 
I would love to hear your thoughts after you have read the article. Do you think you would be up for staying vegan whilst on holiday?

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Find out why Sandra became vegan and how her journey has been so far

I've been speaking with Sandra on Twitter for a few months now. She's compassionate, open, honest and, she's excited abut being vegan. I'd love to share her journey with you, especially because, she shifted to a vegan diet overnight. What she has shared, shows how easy it can be to be vegan, even when you're travelling.  

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