Find out why us stumbling across Kimchee was a happy accident!
Discovering Kimchee
We’d come into the city to check out a place that was featured in the Time Out ‘Table for Two’: The Vegan-Friendly Box but they had sold out of pretty much all their vegan options. We were stuck and getting quite hungry!
Suraj spotted Kimchee and thought it was worth checking it out. It was a great idea! We were seated within seconds and luckily for us, one of the members of staff was vegan and she made sure that the chefs amended the dishes that weren’t vegan by accident.
This is what we feasted on!

Eating out when you’re vegan is easy.
Going on holiday when you’re vegan is no bother.
Vegan grocery shopping is effortless.
If you need a little motivating check out this variety of recordings.
“Using a supposedly limited EU derogation, slaughterhouses can quicken their line speeds and process more animals by skipping stunning – the part of the slaughter process which renders the animal unconscious and therefore unable to feel the actual killing. Although there is a shortage of data, non-stun derogation overuse appears to be a problem around Europe, other than the few countries where it is currently banned.”