Does plant-based and vegan mean the same thing?
Are plant-based and vegan interchangeable terms?
In short the answer is no.
Does it matter if plant-based and vegan are perceived as being the same thing?
I will explain why later, but it is definitely worth understanding what each definition means, after which you’ll see why it’s worth keeping them as distinct terms.
How does shame fit into all this?
Some people think that using the vegan is shameful, harsh, confrontational, pushy, judgmental and unwelcome. For this reason, some people have substituted the word vegan for plant-based. It’s a shame because it’s actually causing confusion for those who consider themselves to be vegan, for those who are plant-based and for the recipients of this message e.g. staff in restaurants, friend and family, caterers and so on.
So what’s the difference between plant-based and vegan?
Plant-based in America means…
eating wholefoods
consuming food that is minimally processed
those following a plant-based diet do not exclude the use of honey
plant-based is only about food
people eating plant-based foods may wear or use materials, such as leather, wool and silk
those on a plant-based diet may use make-up that contains animal products or use products that have been tested on animals
Vegan means…
vegans don’t eat or drink items that contain animal parts or derivatives
the food can be raw or cooked
they eat processed foods
veganism goes beyond diet
vegans may not wear, buy or use things that are made from animal products
Which vegan foods would those following a plant-based not eat?
Vegan foods that are not plant-based (according to how Americans define it) include:-
vegan cheese
vegan mock meat
fizzy drinks
refined sugar
deep fried food
What are common foods that vegans and those on a plant-based diet might eat?
whole grains
guacamole without any cream or other non-vegan items in it
hummus as long as it doesn’t contain any cream or other non-vegan items in it
corn tortillas
whole-grain bread
whole wheat pasta
brown rice
So if you go to a restaurant with someone who’s vegan, it doesn’t mean they would choose all the plant-based items as they may include honey.
If you went to share a meal with someone who’s plant-based, they may not be able to eat any of the vegan items as they may view them as unhealthy, refined and processed.
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“Ethical veganism results in a profound revolution within the individual; a complete rejection of the paradigm of oppression and violence that she has been taught from childhood to accept as the natural order. It changes her life and the lives of those with whom she shares this vision of nonviolence. Ethical veganism is anything but passive; on the contrary, it is the active refusal to cooperate with injustice.”