Vegan eats in London
How easy is it to eat vegan in different parts of London?
There's a view, held by many, that eating vegan in London is easy in Central London, but this is not the case in other parts of London. Hopefully, this article will demonstrate how easy it easy to eat vegan, throughout London.
I'll be adding to the article, as and when, I publish more reviews - last updated on March 5th 2019
Across London
North London
Mumbai Local
Miriam's Munchies
The Chocolate Room
Zen Buddha - previously Loving Hut
West London
Cafe Forty One
Itadaki Zen
La Polenteria now known as Leggero
Norman's Coach and Horses
Pied à Terre
Pollen Street Social
Redemption Bar
The Gate
222 Veggie Vegan