I've heard a lot of varying comments about soya so I thought I'd ask a friend of mine to write an article examining whether it's safe to consume or not! Over to Sagar Kirit Shah.
Can anyone avoid soya?
For many vegetarians and vegans, soya products may seem almost impossible to avoid. The most widely available substitutes for dairy products (milk, cheese, ice cream) and meat (tofu, tempeh, burgers, sausages) are made from the soya bean. And other soya products such as soya oil and soya lecithin are common ingredients in many processed foods found in modern supermarkets.
Stifled about soya!
For some, soya is confusing and controversial.
From a health perspective, soya is claimed to be a high protein, miracle health food which can help reduce cholesterol. But others have linked it to cancer and/or reduced fertility.
Vegetarians and vegans often note the environmental advantages of soya as it produces more protein per acre than almost any other food. Yet critics often point out how soya is associated with the GM industry and rainforest destruction.
Over the next three posts, I aim going to unpick these controversies a little to help you make up your mind about whether to eat soya products, and if so, which products to eat.
Part 2 - Does soya consumption have a negative impact on health?
Part 3 - Is soya good for the environment?
Part 4 (final part) - Conclusion: The effects of soya on health and the environment