Recipe: Pudla (Savoury Pancakes) within 15 minutes
Pudla is one of my one of my go-to recipes. I’ve been making them with gram flour for years, but I recently started making them with Moong Dall Flour. I absolutely love eating them and have got better and quicker at making them too!
Here’s the recipe that I use when I’m making them with gram flour.

This recipe makes 4 Pudla
Ingredients for vegan Pudla
5-6 heaped tablespoons of Moong Dall Flour
salt to taste - I use 1/4 of a tablespoon
1/4 of a teaspoon of turmeric
1/2 teaspoon of ajma - also known as bishop's weed, ajwain and carom
2 finger chillies - finely chopped - I use 2 because I like my food to be spicy
2 tomatoes - finely chopped
fresh coriander - finely chopped - I use about 6 strands with the leaves
60g of frozen petit pois
60g of sweetcorn
How to make vegan Pudla
Put all the fry ingredients in a bowl and mix it
Add a little water and mix it further
Add all the other ingredients and mix it further
Keep adding water until the mix is the thickness you'd like it to be - I don’t want it to be so runny that the Pudla are wafer-thin, nor so thick that I can't ensure even thickness by moving the pan to spread the mixture around
Taste a little bit of the batter and amend if necessary - if you're not sure, make one, have a taste and then add whatever you need e.g. salt, more chillies etc.
Heat a pan, and use a spray oil to coat the pan
Spoon the mixture into the middle of the pan and then tilt the pan to make the mixture move around and even out, or use a spoon and move it in a circular motion when pouring the mix into the pan and then tilt the pan to allow the mix to go into any gaps
Let it cook until the edges become brown and the mixture isn’t visibly wet
Use a spatula along the edges to see if it’s cooked underneath and if so, turn it over
Cook the other side and repeat