Plant Shift

love ♥ living ♥ vegan

Following a plant-based or vegan lifestyle, is about food, drink, clothes, shoes, body treatments, hair products and more. 

It's a conscious decision to think, walk and possibly, talk a better lifestyle. 

I support individuals who are thinking about making the shift, as well as, those who have already begun their plant-based journey.

Filtering by Category: Reviews

Astonish products reviewed by different users

Astonish have a huge range of products, and all of them are kind to the environment, yet strong enough to make cleaning easy! You can read an interview with Nick from Astonish here

This article features reviews of various cleaning products. The reviews have been written by Janet Higgins, Stella Goddard and Evelyn Smith. 

I put this article together because I wanted to share what others think of Astonish products. I love them, because they're vegan, they're transparent about being against animal testing and are clear that animal products don't need to be used to make cleaning easy or effective.  

Read on to find out what Janet, Stella and Evelyn think of the products they've used so far. 

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Eating out: Attico Art Centre

A gorgeous place that's hidden away

A friend took me to the Attico Centre recently. It's in Watford and is absolutely gorgeous! 

The layout ensures that customers can walk around and look at the paintings and sculptures that are for sale. It also means that there aren't lots of tables squashed together and it's actually really peaceful. 

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Vegan eats in Harrogate

Harrogate in North Yorkshire

A friend and I took a train from London to Harrogate earlier this year and although I'd not really heard of the place before, I was quite excited! Why? You guess! 

We did some research and found out that there were a number of places that are open about the fact that they cater for vegans. So we had lots of choices, which included a variety of cuisines and a lot of the restaurants and cafes were small business, as opposed to chains, so we'd be supporting them too! 

Read on to find out how we experienced eating vegan in Harrogate.

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The best of Manchester for vegans, part 2

A number of months ago, I met someone who is known as Olive on Twitter. She is assertive, kind, compassionate and honest. She also loves cooking and isn't scared to try out new recipes using uncommon ingredients.
Olive follows a vegan lifestyle and likes to give restaurants and pubs the opportunity to blossom, while they concoct vegan dishes for her and her hubby (Popeye) to enjoy.  It is this last point, which made me reach out to her. 

Olive and Popeye have been eating out in Manchester a fair bit, and I wanted to share their experiences with you.

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