Plant Shift

love ♥ living ♥ vegan

Following a plant-based or vegan lifestyle, is about food, drink, clothes, shoes, body treatments, hair products and more. 

It's a conscious decision to think, walk and possibly, talk a better lifestyle. 

I support individuals who are thinking about making the shift, as well as, those who have already begun their plant-based journey.

Filtering by Category: Travel

Why Travel is Better When You're Vegan

Wendy Werneth is a keen traveller and she's vegan! You'd think she'd change her lifestyle choice when she's travelling to ensure that her holidays are better, less restrcited and more indulgent, but guess what? She continues living vegan while she's away! On the contrary to what many people will assume; she finds it a richer, happier experience! 
I absolutely love Wendy's attitude and the energy that comes through this article. 
I would love to hear your thoughts after you have read the article. Do you think you would be up for staying vegan whilst on holiday?

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Find out why Sandra became vegan and how her journey has been so far

I've been speaking with Sandra on Twitter for a few months now. She's compassionate, open, honest and, she's excited abut being vegan. I'd love to share her journey with you, especially because, she shifted to a vegan diet overnight. What she has shared, shows how easy it can be to be vegan, even when you're travelling.  

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Veganbnb Travel

Surprise adventure

I was lucky enough for Suraj to book a surprise Urban Adventure for us in June 2014. He booked it with Veganbnb Travel.

To tour guide or not to tour guide!

We'd only been on one holiday where we had a tour guide and the experience was a mixed bag. It ranged from generous, amazing and adventurous to neglectful and greedy. I'd forgotten about that until we discussed it on the trip and I was thankful for the memory lapse! I wouldn't have wanted some of these memories to cloud my perception of how this trip would be. Why? Because it was great! :)

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How I define a vegan diet

Why is it helpful to have a definition of what veganism?

I wrote this definition to create a tool to communicate what you are willing to consume, so that it's easier on you and others.

Confusion about the many terms regarding what people eat

There are loads of different terms for people to remember.

- Those who eat fish but no other meat of any sort are Pescetarians.
- If you eat chicken and no other meat, you're a Pollo vegetarian.
- If someone says they are vegan but they eat meat, fish, honey, eggs etc. i.e. the only thing they have excluded from their diet is dairy; they are not vegan. They fall under the dairy-free category.

The definition of a vegan diet

A vegan diet includes any item that has not come from a living being e.g. an animal or insect. Examples of excluded foods are honey, eggs, fish, meat and products using the milk from an animal e.g. cream, milk, cheese, yogurt, butter etc. Vegan foods include vegetables, fruits, nuts, seeds, pulses and grains. Alternatives to dairy products can be made from oats, rice, soya or nuts.

A tool to help illustrate what vegans eat

A friend of mine made a chart to show the differences between what a vegan would eat and what a 'pure' vegetarian would eat. I hope you find it helpful.

Related posts

Why vegans don't consume honey
Why don't vegans eat eggs?

"The soul is the same in all living creatures, although the body of each is different."

Vegan Salzburg

How travelling to Salzburg got on my list of places to visit

I had travelled around Europe a few years back. One of those tours where you visit different cities over two weeks. Well...we stopped over at Salzburg for only an hour or so and I've wanted to go back ever since!

The little part I saw was beautiful, clean, scenic, green and just so inviting.

Booked and ready to go...

So Suraj and I booked a trip there.

Find out how it went...

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Review of Riverside Cafe in Stamford

Suraj and I went away for the weekend.

We drove to Stamford, which was near where we were staying  and we spotted this gorgeous Cafe which overlooked the river.

We went in and were impressed with the variety of vegetarian options on the menu. We asked the waitress if there was anything that could be 'made' vegan and she said she'd ask the Chef.


Find out what happened next.

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How do I tell others what I will and won't eat when I'm travelling?

I heard about this amazing book via a Yahoo group called Jain Vegans. It's amazing!

It's called the Vegan Passport.

It's a great pocket sized book that's great to travel with.

It explains what vegans will/won't eat in 73 languages.

It's simple, to the point and extremely clear.

Definitely worth buying! :)

The Vegan Passport

The Vegan Passport

“The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.”
- Lao Tzu