Meet husband and wife team, Raymond and Laura Sjolseth. Don't they look like they're full of positivity?
Raymond and Laura have created an online boutique with a difference! They actively encourage customers to visit the office and try before they buy. Isn't that great? I want you to know about them because of this, and because they are determined for their store to exclusively sell vegan and ethically-made women’s wear.
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Do you go out and ever feel the need to grab a bite to eat?
What do you do when you decide you fancy eating something but you're too far from home to go back, or you haven't finished what you're doing, so you can't go home yet?
Would you make do with a bag of crisps or some other type of snack? Would you ignore your hunger and keep going? Do you keep a snack with you and eat that? Do you get into a bit of a state and need to find somewhere that you can eat something substantial?
Do you end up eating things that won't agree with you, because you're intolerant to them? Might you eat something that goes against your ethics, because you think you won't find anything vegan?
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Vegans can't buy ready-made fudge...well; not from big established companies anyway!
So...Fudge Kitchen began their journey in 1983. They started making fudge in the UK, under the name 'Jim Garrahy's Fudge Kitchen' and have grown ever since! Their fudge is freshly made, and sold in Bath, York, Cambridge, Canterbury, Windsor, Edinburgh and Oxford.
So they're established and fairly large. Right?
Well....they make vegan fudge too!
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I want you to meet Emma Marshal-Nichols! She was keen on making the shift to a vegan diet, but was being held back by the lack of good vegan cakes! Guess what she did? She researched experimented and started making them herself, after which she made the shift!
It is also refreshing to hear that 'all' she wants to do, is promote veganism, make people happy, be creatively fulfilled, have enough time to spend with her two beautiful girls, and live in the present moment. Isn't that refreshingly different? Find out more about Missy's Cupcakes below.
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Now it's not very often that you hear about a holiday resulting in a business plan, which fills a gap, which nobody realised existed! That's how Kombucha came about! . Chris Peters is the master mind behind this fermented tea and they are philanthropic too! They are working towards 50% of their our profits being donated to funding the development of humanitarian projects and rainforest conservation. Isn't that amazing?
Read on to find out more about Equinox Kombucha...
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Shopping for vegan food items is difficult...
Many people firmly believe that shopping for vegan food items is difficult. I used to agree. It was hard because, vegan alternatives weren't as readily available as they are now, and labelling wasn't clear. However, from 13th December 2014, the EU Food Information for Consumers Regulation (EU FIC) has made identifying allergens much easier. Of course, this means that shopping is easier and faster! In addition to this, supermarkets are raising their game in terms of providing vegan food items. So the barriers that existed are being melted away.
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Darlene McCormick is an enthusiast! She wants to provide tasty, vegan, all encompassing organic protein infused with superfoods, whilst ensuring that she doesn't budge on keeping the processes, ingredients and aims of the company ethical. Isn't that inspiring?
So I'll leave you with Darlene who will tell you all about her business, That Protein, how it came about, and the effect of not her unwillingness to compromise on certain things.
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Wendy Werneth is a keen traveller and she's vegan! You'd think she'd change her lifestyle choice when she's travelling to ensure that her holidays are better, less restrcited and more indulgent, but guess what? She continues living vegan while she's away! On the contrary to what many people will assume; she finds it a richer, happier experience!
I absolutely love Wendy's attitude and the energy that comes through this article.
I would love to hear your thoughts after you have read the article. Do you think you would be up for staying vegan whilst on holiday?
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Andrea is a secondary school teacher in London. She teaches computing and has been vegan for over 25 years.
She enjoys cooking and loves cookery books. One of Andrea's strengths lies in her creativeness. She experiments and enjoys trying new ways of making things!
Andrea has been working on making a great vegan Tiarmisu, and now that she's done it, she has been kind enough to share then recipe with us.
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I want to tell you about an eBook, which I've created just for you. It's called The Way to a Vegan's Heart: Delicious Recipes to Help You Eat Well, Cook Quickly and Feel Content. You guessed it! It's full of quick and easy recipes.
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A few moths ago, I met someone who is known as Olive on Twitter. She is assertive, kind, compassionate and honest. She also loves cooking and isn't scared to try out new recipes using uncommon ingredients.
Olive follows a vegan lifestyle and likes to give restaurants and pubs the opportunity to blossom, while they concoct vegan dishes for her and her hubby (Popeye) to enjoy. It is this last point, which made me reach out to her. Olive and Popeye have been eating out in Manchester a fair bit, so I asked her to send me an article to share all the great vegan eats with you.
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