Find out why I think St Audries Park in Somerset is absolutely amazing!
It’s all in the title.
I loved staying at St Audries Park. Here, you’ll find out what I enjoyed and why.
love ♥ living ♥ vegan
Following a plant-based or vegan lifestyle, is about food, drink, clothes, shoes, body treatments, hair products and more.
It's a conscious decision to think, walk and possibly, talk a better lifestyle.
I support individuals who are thinking about making the shift, as well as, those who have already begun their plant-based journey.
It’s all in the title.
I loved staying at St Audries Park. Here, you’ll find out what I enjoyed and why.
Here, I’ll share what I loved about having a meal at Hob House.
The venue, the food, the host and more.
I’ve eaten at The Green Kitchen twice now and I’ve loved the experience on both occasions. Here, you’ll read about why I think you should make a trip there.
Read MoreHere, I bust the myth that vegans have to go without cakes and things for special occasions!
Read MoreWhy I want to use cruelty-free AND vegan cosmetics
Our skin is the largest organ we have and what we put on it should matter! This thinking didn't sink in with me straight away!
After I began feeling uncomfortable about, putting something that caused others to suffer, on my skin; I started looking into alternatives.
I started buying a range of vegan products from different companies to figure out which ones I preferred.
I also explored what to do with the non-vegan makeup that I owned already. You can read about that here.
Why isn't cruelty-free enough?
Read MoreI am excited to tell you that because most supermarkets are hot on providing vegan options now, shopping vegan has become so much easier!
Here’s the latest in a series of posts that share the good news. Asda, Tesco, Sainsbury’s, Iceland, M & S and more. Isn’t it amazing?
This one is all about Asda.
Read MoreHow easy is it to eat vegan in different parts of London?
There's a view, held by many, that eating vegan in London is easy but only if you're in Central London. This isn't the case and this article will demonstrate how easy it is to get vegan options, throughout London.
Read MoreFind out why plant-based doesn’t mean vegan and vegan doesn’t mean plant-based
Read MoreThis article is about Ravi and Vishaal’s venture. Their mission, their vision, was to create a business to help people find what they need and feel good about their purchases.
Isn’t it awful when you feel that you have to buy something that doesn’t align with your ethics because the alternatives that are available, don’t meet your needs!
Find out more about Vyom London, which they created to ensure that those who don’t want to wear non-vegan shoes have access to shoes that are made well, that are available in a range of styles and that they’re made with good quality materials.
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First Tesco, then Sainsbury’s, then Morrisons, then Asda, and now Iceland…isn’t it great that the main supermarkets are catering for vegans now? :)
Read MoreHarvester introduced new limited edition options for Veganuary. Find out what I thought of them and whether they’ll stay or go.
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