Plant Shift

love ♥ living ♥ vegan

Following a plant-based or vegan lifestyle, is about food, drink, clothes, shoes, body treatments, hair products and more. 

It's a conscious decision to think, walk and possibly, talk a better lifestyle. 

I support individuals who are thinking about making the shift, as well as, those who have already begun their plant-based journey.

Recipe: Spaghetti with vegan mince and vegetables within 25 minutes

I fancied some spaghetti and I wanted t make my own sauce so here's what I did. This recipe serves 2.

Ingredients for spaghetti with vegan mince and vegetables

  • 2 handfuls of spaghetti
  • 1/2 a small bunch of broccoli
  • 3/4 of a small courgette
  • Olive oil
  • 5 cherry tomatoes
  • Tomato Purée
  • Salt
  • Pepper
  • A handful of vegan mince

How to make spaghetti with vegan mince and vegetables

  1. Put some spaghetti on the boil 
    1. Put some boiling water in a pan and hold the spaghetti
    2. Within about 20 seconds, it will begin to soften, so you can bend the spaghetti around the pan, which means you don't have to break it into pieces
    3. Give it a stir now and again
    4. Chop the broccoli and the courgette 
    5. Put some olive oil in a pan
    6. Add the broccoli and courgette when the oil is hot
    7. After 5 minutes add some whole cherry tomatoes
    8. Add a little tomato purée
    9. Add salt and pepper to taste
    10. Add the mince and stir
    11. Put the lid on the pan and let it cook
    12. When the spaghetti is ready, drain it, add some vegan margarine and mix it up

Serving suggestion

When I served it,  I made a circular shape with the spaghetti leaving a hole in the middle for the vegetables.


How to find out if what you're buying is made from animals or not

It can be a bit daunting when you know you don't want to buy something but you don't know how to find out what it's made of.

Some people don't mind asking the staff in the shop whilst others want to browse and decide without any input from anyone else.

Here's something that will make things easier for you. 

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How do I tell others what I will and won't eat when I'm travelling?

I heard about this amazing book via a Yahoo group called Jain Vegans. It's amazing!

It's called the Vegan Passport.

It's a great pocket sized book that's great to travel with.

It explains what vegans will/won't eat in 73 languages.

It's simple, to the point and extremely clear.

Definitely worth buying! :)

The Vegan Passport

The Vegan Passport

“The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.”
- Lao Tzu

Recipe: Hot chocolate with something extra, which will make all the difference!

I am not sure what made me do this but I got a bit creative the other day and the result was a delicious hot chocolate which was bursting with flavour and texture. This recipe serves 1.

Ingredients for vegan hot chocolate

  • 1 cup of Oatly
  • 4 teaspoons of Swiss Twinings Hot Chocolate
  • 1 piece of vegan chocolate

How to make vegan hot chocolate

  1. Put the Oatly in a pan and heat it up
  2. Add 4 teaspoons of hot
  3. Give it a stir
  4. When it's almost ready to drink add the piece of chocolate to the pan and mix a little - the one I used is shown below
  5. Pour after about 30 seconds

The result will be yummy.

Don't forget to scoop up any remaining chocolate at the bottom of the cup.



What to do with your non-vegan shoes and clothing when you're ready to say goodbye

What to do with shoes, clothes and furniture that isn't vegan

For those who like things to be clear and definite...I'm sorry. I don't think that there's one straightforward answer which will suit everyone.

What I did with the non-vegan things that I owner prior to going vegan

When I first became vegan, I had silk saris, leather chairs, leather seats in the car, woollen clothing etc. As I researched and learned more about non-plant based materials I decided not to buy any more of these products but I kept the ones I had.

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Dining out: Cafe Leo in Vegan Grantham

Suraj (my hubby) and I went to Grantham for the weekend and I was surprised to find a Cafe which specifically includes vegan options on their menu and they publicise it! :) Suraj did some research and found out about Cafe Leo. This cafe is in Grantham, which is part of Lincolnshire. (UK)

Find out how our lunch went....

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