A gorgeous place that's hidden away
A friend took me to the Attico Centre recently. It's in Watford and is absolutely gorgeous!
The layout ensures that customers can walk around and look at the paintings and sculptures that are for sale. It also means that there aren't lots of tables squashed together and it's actually really peaceful.
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I am so excited about this company! They care about the environment, the animals, human rights, sustainability and more. They have a huge vision, and I think many people would love to see the fruition of it! With a mindset like this, I think Hilary and Alberto will achieve success in whatever they focus on. The best part is, they're not selfish, so the gains of their ventures will be felt by many!
Read this interview with Sgaia and you'll see what I mean! :)
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Harrogate in North Yorkshire
A friend and I took a train from London to Harrogate earlier this year and although I'd not really heard of the place before, I was quite excited! Why? You guess it....food!
We did some research and found out that there were a number of places that are open about the fact that they cater for vegans. So we had lots of choices, which included a variety of cuisines and a lot of the restaurants and cafes were small business, as opposed to chains, so we'd be supporting them too!
Read on to find out how we experienced eating vegan in Harrogate.
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I have been ogling the photos of Michelle's cakes and other sweet treats on Twitter for a while now! It just so happens, that I'll be in Leicester for the Vegan Fair on Saturday 21st November 2015 and I'm already planning what I'm going to order and collect from Cafe Mbriki while I'm in town!
Wondering what all the fuss is about? Read on to see some of the things that the Vegan Cakery produce and find out how generous Michelle is in, with regards to how she raises funds for charities through all sales! Truly amazing. :)
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Is there anything hugely difficult about organising an event if the venue provides catering?
I used to do some work for a local branch of the National Union of Teachers and one of the roles included organising training events. We provided a meal during training days and snacks for other events, such as, meetings after school.
To ensure that everyone was catered for, and so we were aware of allergies, I'd ask those who registered, if they had any dietary requirements. Unfortunately, sometimes I'd wished I hadn't!
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Can you really get vegan options everywhere?
If you think that vegan options are only available in central London...what can I say? Actually...I won't say anything to reply to that directly, but keep reading and the answer to whether it's fact or fiction will become obvious.
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Do mainstream restaurants cater for vegans or do vegans need to go to special places when they want to eat out?
I used to think that mainstream places wouldn't cater for vegans and that I'd have to go to a vegetarian place, because they'd be more likely to have vegan options or they'd find it easy to veganise what they have on the menu.
I was so wrong!
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I stumbled across Steffi and her company Poly Pattern recently. I'd love for you to know what she does because it's funky, unique and all the materials that she uses are vegan.
Scroll down to see what Steffi has to say about Poly Patterned.
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Eating vegan while you're travelling is so hard!
I've heard people say that they don't follow a vegan diet when they're travelling because it's too hard. I've also been asked if I find it impossible to eat vegan when I'm on holiday.
I'm not sure why there's an assumption that eating vegan away from 'home' would be difficult, but you wouldn't be alone if you thought the same!
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I came across Jack Bakes through Twitter and have been lucky enough to try some of her goodies! I've tried the mini chocolate cake, mini carrot cake, mini ginger cake, double chocolate and peanut butter cookie, as well as, her chocolate chip cookie. What a treat!
I'm sure many of you will nod your head when you read what Jack wants! " I'd love to be able to walk into a regular coffee shop and order a slice of cake!"
Keep reading to find out why she created Jack Bakes, which is only a few months old, what she did before and what her goals are.
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In the mood for something warm and comforting?
Most of us have a specific food that we enjoy when the temperature changes, or when we're in need of a bit of TLC.
What sprang to mind for you? What's your favourite comfort food?
I have a couple of favourites and one of them is soup! As Winter approaches, I like a bit of soup. It somehow (temporarily) makes up for the fact that the cold is upon us.
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