Is it possible for vegan athletes to raise their game when they go vegan?
This article is about veganism, sports and performance. Here we will explore if it's possible for vegan athletes to raise their game when they go vegan.
Read Morelove ♥ living ♥ vegan
Following a plant-based or vegan lifestyle, is about food, drink, clothes, shoes, body treatments, hair products and more.
It's a conscious decision to think, walk and possibly, talk a better lifestyle.
I support individuals who are thinking about making the shift, as well as, those who have already begun their plant-based journey.
This article is about veganism, sports and performance. Here we will explore if it's possible for vegan athletes to raise their game when they go vegan.
Read MoreWhen I began following a vegan diet, I got told that I'd only find vegan chocolates in heath food shops. I wasn't very impressed with that because I haven't got one very close to me, so it means making a special trip to get some treats!
That really isn’t the case! Here you’ll find out how easy it is to buy vegan chocolates…
Read MoreA special occasion or not...
Whether you like to give presents for birthdays, anniversaries, festivals, other celebrations or for no particular reason; if the person you care about is vegan, there's a whole range of potential gifts out there.
Vegan gifts truly are everywhere
Read MoreIs buying vegan shoes a problem?
I like variety in the food I eat, the clothes I wear and the shoes I own. If it looks too samey, then I won't want it, and if it's animal based, I won't want to buy it or use it.
The assumption about vegan shoes
When others have noticed my shoes, if they don't know how strongly I feel about only wearing vegan shoes, they will assume that they aren't vegan. This assumption is usually expressed like this: 'but your shoes aren't vegan are they?'
Read MoreWhat is Vegan Nights
Vegan Nights is an evening market which hosts lots of vegan food stalls, as well as, a few businesses that sell cosmetics and clothes.
Find out what we thought of Vegan Nights...
Read MoreSupporting small businesses
Mildred's would right up your street if you like supporting independent businesses, and appreciate good vegan food.
Mildred's is a vegetarian restaurant that has lots of delicious vegan options. They have one restaurant and they put their heart and soul into serving the many customers who come through their doors.
Read More"Vegan options in pubs and bars? You'd be lucky!"
Find out how easy it is for vegans to eat in pubs and bars ...
Read MoreI've eaten at Izgara twice and both times, the service was fabulous. The staff were polite, knowledgeable, humble and keen to make our experience a good one.
The food was great and we weren't short of options to choose from! Find out what we enjoyed...
Read MoreCoffee shops...
My hubby loves coffee, and he enjoys sitting in coffee shops. He seems to have a radar that alerts him about new ones when they pop up! So...the radar went off, he went to check out Gloria Pretzels and Coffee, and he loved it straight away. He had a chat with the manager, found out what was vegan already, listened to her plans about introducing more vegan items, and recently, we went in together as she had brought some of them in!
Find out about their delicious vegan options...
Read MoreWhy is there so much talk about oil?
In recent years, there's been a lot of talk about cooking with oil and whether it's necessary or not. It's made such an impact that companies are introducing pans with which we can do oil-free cooking. You read right! Not just less oil, but no oil! These companies make the promise that the food will cook well, the pan won't burn and it will be easy to wash afterwards.
Here are a few things that you should be aware of...
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