Plant Shift

love ♥ living ♥ vegan

Following a plant-based or vegan lifestyle, is about food, drink, clothes, shoes, body treatments, hair products and more. 

It's a conscious decision to think, walk and possibly, talk a better lifestyle. 

I support individuals who are thinking about making the shift, as well as, those who have already begun their plant-based journey.

Attending a wedding reception which is completely vegan

Organising a wedding reception which is fully vegan

A friend of mine was arranging his wedding reception. We were chatting about various things to do with the organisation of it on WhatsApp, when the topic of food arose. 
He wanted the food to be completely vegan but some people whom he was close to, weren't sold on the idea. They were aware of the importance placed on food and they didn't want the event to remembered for the food being pants!
The people he needed to convince hadn't been to a vegan wedding before and weren't sure whether all the courses could be vegan and delicious, and they didn't want this wedding to be a trial for it! 

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How to create a cruelty-free wardrobe

Jacquelyn Lewis is the founder of The Stylish Kind. She was drawn towards independent designers who focused on fashion which put people and animals first, without compromising on style! Their ethical stance was against sweatshops, they wanted to ensure that pollution was minimal and they excluded animal products from their designs. 

As a result of being exposed to this, Jacquelyn's wardrobe became cruelty-free and sustainable.

Jacquelyn's goal is firmly established in helping others find style without harming the environment, people or other animals. Below you'll find Jacquelyn's tips on how to turn the decision to make your wardrobe cruelty-free, in to a reality. 

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Meet the duo behind TeenVGN

I was lucky enough to meet the duo behind TeenVGN at VegFestUK (2014). It was inspiring to meet two determined, passionate, confident, compassionate and creative females who want to serve others, to quite literally; make the world a better place! I want others to know what they want to achieve and why so here's an article which will achieve just that!

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Meet the makers of Clearspring

Do you like Japanese food? Not the commercial stuff, but that which is authentic and true to Japan? Well...if you are keen to explore, and indulge in, authentic Japanese vegan food, you'll be happy to read this article, which is all about a company called Clearspring

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