Plant Shift

love ♥ living ♥ vegan

Following a plant-based or vegan lifestyle, is about food, drink, clothes, shoes, body treatments, hair products and more. 

It's a conscious decision to think, walk and possibly, talk a better lifestyle. 

I support individuals who are thinking about making the shift, as well as, those who have already begun their plant-based journey.

How I define a vegan diet

Why is it helpful to have a definition of what veganism?

I wrote this definition to create a tool to communicate what you are willing to consume, so that it's easier on you and others.

Confusion about the many terms regarding what people eat

There are loads of different terms for people to remember.

- Those who eat fish but no other meat of any sort are Pescetarians.
- If you eat chicken and no other meat, you're a Pollo vegetarian.
- If someone says they are vegan but they eat meat, fish, honey, eggs etc. i.e. the only thing they have excluded from their diet is dairy; they are not vegan. They fall under the dairy-free category.

The definition of a vegan diet

A vegan diet includes any item that has not come from a living being e.g. an animal or insect. Examples of excluded foods are honey, eggs, fish, meat and products using the milk from an animal e.g. cream, milk, cheese, yogurt, butter etc. Vegan foods include vegetables, fruits, nuts, seeds, pulses and grains. Alternatives to dairy products can be made from oats, rice, soya or nuts.

A tool to help illustrate what vegans eat

A friend of mine made a chart to show the differences between what a vegan would eat and what a 'pure' vegetarian would eat. I hope you find it helpful.

Related posts

Why vegans don't consume honey
Why don't vegans eat eggs?

"The soul is the same in all living creatures, although the body of each is different."

Recipe: home-made yoghurt

This was quick, easy and really rewarding. I'm not sure why I was so chuffed about it. Perhaps it was because it reminded me of the enjoyment I got from the yoghurt that my Grandmother used to make yogurt at her home. Either way, I think anyone who likes yoghurt, should try it at least once! :)

Ingredients for vegan yoghurt

How to make vegan yoghurt

  1. Boil the milk - I used soya milk but I plan to try it with oat milk soon

  2. Let it cool until it feels hot if you put your finger in it but it is tolerable

  3. When it is the temperature described above, mix in the yogurt starter

  4. Put a bowl of water or something in the microwave and heat it using full power, for 2 minutes

  5. While the microwave heats up, put the yogurt mix in an airtight container

  6. Put the container within another airtight container, which has a lid and put the lid on it securely

  7. Wrap a towel around it

  8. Without turning it on, put it in the microwave and leave it there for about 6 hours

  9. Don't open the microwave during this time

  10. When you remove it, it will be warm and should have set

  11. Put it in the fridge so it's cold and ready to eat 

Home made vegan yoghurt

Home made vegan yoghurt

It's now super easy to source things like vegan cheese, yoghurt, milk!

Avoiding dairy substitutes altogether!

I experimented with different vegan cheeses now and then, but I was fine without it, so it was easier to not bother.

This laziness was caused by the fact that I'd have to go to a health food shop to buy some and that I'd have to remember which ones I tried and note down what I thought of them. Why? In the past, we bought some cheeses and forgot which ones we liked and which we didn't! avoid making the same error, it was worth jotting down what we bought and our thoughts on it!

Find out how supermarkets have made free-from shopping so much easier!

Read More

Can Cancer be made to retreat and disappear?

This video is less than 3 minutes long and the content is rather strange!

The footage uncovers a secret!

It discusses the idea that Cancer can be cured and alleges that the solution is being kept a secret!

Why would anyone not want fewer people to suffer, a reduction of individuals in hospital, less men and women needing medicines and a lower number of deaths?

The clip from The Beautiful Truth will tell you more.

"What we have come to consider as “normal” illnesses of ageing are really not normal. In fact, these findings indicate that the vast majority, perhaps 80 to 90% of all cancers, cardiovascular diseases, and other forms of degenerative illness can be prevented, at least until very old age, simply by adopting a plant-based diet."
- Colin Campbell