omega 3 — Blog — Plant Shift

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Plant Shift

love ♥ living ♥ vegan

Following a plant-based or vegan lifestyle, is about food, drink, clothes, shoes, body treatments, hair products and more. 

It's a conscious decision to think, walk and possibly, talk a better lifestyle. 

I support individuals who are thinking about making the shift, as well as, those who have already begun their plant-based journey.

Filtering by Tag: omega 3

Is Butter better than Margarine?

Some non-vegans seem to think about butter a lot. I say this because, after finding out I'm vegan, the majority ask; 'what do you spread on toast?' and when I say margarine; I've been faced with similar replies from people of all ages, races, gender etc. 

Well...there's a look of horror, which is followed by "don't you know that margarine is plastic?" How can you eat it? I've also received an email (several times) warning the reader about why they should not eat margarine under any circumstances!

I got a bit fed up of this, so I asked a friend of mine to write an article which differentiates the facts from the scaremongering.

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