I am now a 'Vegetarian and Vegan Nutritional Therapy Practitioner'
I am happy to tell you that I am now a 'Vegetarian and Vegan Nutritional Therapy Practitioner.' Find out how I can help you better…
Read Morelove ♥ living ♥ vegan
Following a plant-based or vegan lifestyle, is about food, drink, clothes, shoes, body treatments, hair products and more.
It's a conscious decision to think, walk and possibly, talk a better lifestyle.
I support individuals who are thinking about making the shift, as well as, those who have already begun their plant-based journey.
I am happy to tell you that I am now a 'Vegetarian and Vegan Nutritional Therapy Practitioner.' Find out how I can help you better…
Read MoreThere's a lot of confusion about whether we need to take any supplements, and if we do, which ones should we take, in how much quantity, can they be mixed together, and so on.
I understand why it's a bit of a minefield and urge anyone who's considering buying lots of supplements to seek out some advice first. The aim of being 'better safe than sorry', may actually backfire.
Read MoreIn 2017, Vitamin D3 was in the spotlight! Health organisations that make and influence policy, those working with patients, and the media, were talking about it. This article includes 6 things, and one of them, is the most recent advice by Public Health England.
Read MoreCalcium...
I am extremely grateful to Stella for sharing how she experienced being a vegan mum who raised her children as vegan, during a time when restaurants and supermarkets weren't as vegan friendly as they are now.
Read MoreI am grateful to Brenda Davis who has worked with me to openly and accurately respond to common questions about shifting to a vegan diet.
A bit about Brenda: She is a registered dietitian, and she has been a featured speaker at international nutrition, medical and health conferences in over a dozen countries, and she has worked in different fields of nutrition.
Below, Brenda discusses why people go vegan and the benefits of making this shift. She also addresses some of the myths around vegan eating, and the things that we should keep an eye on.
Read MoreI am excited for you to read this article. In summary, it's about how what we consume affects our health.
Dr. Ashwani Garg has kindly shared how he decided the type of medicine that he wanted to specialise in, the events that led to his discovery of veganism, why he went vegan and the amazingness that followed. This shift in thinking and diet had an impact which he hadn't envisaged. For me, the best part of all of this, is that he has no regrets, and he uses his direct experiences to help so many people attain a better quality of life.
Read MoreCreated by Joshua Wold | http://veganfoodpyramid.com/
Are you being bombarded by all the would-be 'nutritionists' you know who are concerned about you going, or staying, vegan? Are you worried about the scary information they're sharing, which is a case for, vegan diets resulting in poor health and illness? Do you feel stifled as a result? Don't worry any more. Harpreet (Nutrition graduate) will help debunk some myths, share nutritional facts and make practical suggestions that will bring you peace of mind!
Read MoreWhen my friends and family found out that I was following a vegan diet, I'd often get asked 'How do you make sure you get enough Calcium?' I found it strange that the false equation between dairy milk and calcium was so strong. Everyone seemed to believe you needed one for the other! Some of us are able to answer questions like this, others don't want to answer, and for some, they'd like something to help them give a response.
Whichever category you fall into, it's worth reading what Gary L. Francione & Anna Charlton have to say about vegans and calcium intake.
Yes. In fact, if you don’t consume dairy, and are conscientious about getting calcium from plant foods, you may well reduce your chances of getting osteoporosis.
“What?” you ask. “But we are told that we need milk and other dairy products in order to have strong bones.” Yes, we are told that — by the dairy industry. But that does not mean that it is true. We don’t need to drink the milk produced by another species; indeed, we are the only species that does so. In order to perpetuate the profitable notion that we need cow’s milk, we are subjected to nutritional disinformation.
We need calcium for strong bones. The dairy industry tells us that cow’s milk is the sole or primary source of calcium. But cow’s milk is not the only, or the best source of calcium. Many plant foods are excellent sources of calcium: molasses; almonds; figs; sprouted sunflower seeds; sesame seeds; tofu processed with calcium sulfate; calcium-set tofu; bok choy; broccoli; Chinese cabbage; kale; mustard greens; okra; beans; and fortified soy, almond, coconut, hemp, and rice milks.
Moreover, not only is cow’s milk not by any means the only source of calcium, it’s not the best. The body needs magnesium to absorb calcium and cow’s milk does not have sufficient magnesium to support its level of calcium. This results in the accumulation of excessive calcium in the body and that can lead to the development of calcium deposits in our joints and kidneys.
The consumption of animal protein, including the protein found in dairy products, causes our blood to acidify, which results in the leaching of calcium from our bones and our eventually excreting it from our bodies. So the consumption of dairy products not only does not prevent osteoporosis but it can actually cause it!
In The China Study, Dr. T. Colin Campbell found that a protein found in cow’s milk — casein — promoted cancer. Dr. Joel Fuhrman also notes in Eat to Live that there is a strong correlation between dairy lactose and heart disease.
Do vegans have to be sure to eat enough calcium-rich plant foods to ensure that they have sufficient calcium? Yes. But given that more than 60% of Americans who consume milk are deficient in calcium, diligence is not only a matter for vegans. Indeed, given the other issues involved with cow’s milk and the proteins contained in it, the vegan, once again, has the nutritional advantage.
Where do vegans get their protein from?
How do vegans get enough iron if they don't eat meat?
Link to a book by Gary L. Francione & Anna Charlton: An exploration and rejection of the various excuses — the “Buts” — that keep us eating animal foods.
“Men have a tendency to believe what they least understand.”
As for being pregnant; this is a precious and often emotional period of time for mums-to-be, so I wouldn't feel comfortable telling anyone that they should be vegan whilst being pregnant. BUT this is only because I haven't done it myself! Thus how could I say it with conviction? This video has solved that for me; because there's a healthy mum-to-be who talks about how great she feels being vegan during her pregnancy, as well as, how she feels after the birth of the baby.
The video covers 2 main things. You'll meet someone who's worked for the NHS for over 15 years who recommends a vegan diet to those who have health issues and you'll hear from a mum who was vegan whilst she was pregnant.
Whilst watching the video, can you spot any information that helps you answer the following questions?
Which three conditions do vegans suffer from LESS?
Do vegans need to worry about Calcium or B12 intake?
Is Vitamin D something that only vegans need?
Can mums-to-be remain on a vegan diet without putting their unborn child/children at risk?
What about infants? Will they get what they need on a vegan diet?
Does being vegan help babies suffer less?
The entire film lasts 30 minutes. It explores the benefits of being vegan. Some of these are: -
an exciting lifestyle
eating delicious food
consuming healthy food
tackling the ethics behind making this shift
global challenges that we face now and in the future.
It was produced by The Vegan Society. Will you make the connection and become part of the solution?
"I think and speak clearer since I cut the dairy out. I can breathe better and perform at a better rate, and my voice is clearer. I can explore different things with my voice that I couldn't do because of my meat and dairy ingestion." Common (hip-hop musician)
A nutritionist's guide to going vegan
Meet the family doctor who went vegan
FAQs about going vegan
How to enjoy a healthy vegan pregnancy
Generation V: Advice on raising vegan children
Top 8 questions asked of vegan parents and how to answer them
Which vegan milk or vegan baby formula is right for my child?
Sometimes there is no need for words :) This chart says it all.
"The human body has no more need for cows' milk than it does for dogs' milk, horses' milk, or giraffes' milk." Michael Klaper