Plant Shift

love ♥ living ♥ vegan

Following a plant-based or vegan lifestyle, is about food, drink, clothes, shoes, body treatments, hair products and more. 

It's a conscious decision to think, walk and possibly, talk a better lifestyle. 

I support individuals who are thinking about making the shift, as well as, those who have already begun their plant-based journey.

What happens when your family doesn't want to go vegan but you do?

This post begins with a description of what happened when my husband told me he didn't want to follow a vegan diet any more. After this, I share how I reacted to his choice, how it caused uncertainty within the wider family and, the most important part; the solution, which freed me from negativity. 

In the second half, you'll find suggestions about what to do if your partner doesn't have the same diet or lifestyle choice as you. This section also takes in account, your reasons for following a vegan diet.

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Recipe: Unleavened Fougasse with Rosemary

Fougasse is a traditional Provençal flattish bread which is similar to Focaccia. This recipe serves 1

Ingredients for vegan unleavened Fougasse

  • 100g of wheat flour
  • 4g of Baking powder
  • 10g of Olive oil
  • 50g of water
  • 0.5g of Rosemary
  • 0.5g of salt

How to make vegan unleavened Fougasse

  1. Mix the flour, salt and baking powder together in a large bowl
  2. Add the water and oil and mix vigorously until you are able to form the dough into small balls
  3. Flatten out the balls of dough on a flat surface
  4. Oil them on both sides and sprinkle with the rosemary
  5. Bake them on a floured baking sheet for 25 mins, or more if a crisper crust is desired

To create a leaf pattern in the bread use a sharp knife or pastry scraper to create a slit down the middle of the bread, as well as, five slits on either side of it. Carefully separate the slits open to create a more prominent design.

Recipe courtesy of Constantin. Translation courtesy of Sarah.

What motivates you to eat differently? Fear, conscience, fitness or something else?

Reasons for eating differently

I have met people at different stages in their life who have chosen to eat differently for various reasons. Here's some examples

  • Pregnancy - to maintain good health
  • Weight - to gain or lose some
  • Allergies - to minimise or nullify it
  • Intolerances - to reduce or remove the effects of it
  • Illnesses - to reverse, cure or pacify it
  • Detox - to feel better
  • Vibrancy - to feel less lethargic and more energetic

What does Alicia Silverstone have to say about shifting to a vegan diet?

Within 4 minutes, Alicia Silverstone discusses the pros of eating differently, reasons that fuel a change in diet, the visible benefits of shifting to a vegan diet and more.

"People should flirt with a plant-based diet! The point here is that it's not all or nothing. You can sort of play with the idea and see if you like it a little. Often, the more you flirt, the more you want to flirt. Flirters try on these foods and hopefully become so into them they stick with it."
- Alicia Silverstone

Recipe: Houmous

This recipe serves 1.

Ingredients for vegan houmous

  • 15g of dried chick peas
  • 20g of lemon juice
  • 10g of Rapeseed oil - also known as Canola oil
  • 10g of Tahini

How to make vegan houmous

  1. Soak the chick peas in cold water overnight
  2. Rinse and cook until they are soft enough to purée
  3. Mix the drained chick peas with the Tahini, lemon juice and oil
  4. Blend the mixture
  5. Add salt to taste

Note: the flavour and digestibility of chick peas is improved if they are peeled after cooking.

Recipe courtesy of Constantin. Translation courtesy of Sarah.

Dr. Neal Barnard discusses the benefits of a plant-based diet

This video is about 9 minutes long. I consider it short for the amount of easily digestible information he covers.

Definitely worth watching.

Some points worth listening out for:-

  • Diabetes
  • Alzheimer's Disease
  • Allergies
  • Arthritis

“Vegan diet reverses diabetes symptoms. Peo­ple that ate a low-fat vegan diet, cut­ting out all meat and dairy, low­ered their blood sugar more and lost more weight than peo­ple on a stan­dard Amer­i­can Dia­betes Asso­ci­a­tion diet.”
- Mag­gie Fox