Plant Shift

love ♥ living ♥ vegan

Following a plant-based or vegan lifestyle, is about food, drink, clothes, shoes, body treatments, hair products and more. 

It's a conscious decision to think, walk and possibly, talk a better lifestyle. 

I support individuals who are thinking about making the shift, as well as, those who have already begun their plant-based journey.

Are you confused by the revelations of various studies? Understanding what is being compared can help a great deal!

But so many studies say that fish is good for you...

We've all been there. We hear one thing and we accept it because it makes sense. But then, we hear something that contradicts it and we're left confused. Some of us may end up giving up because we don't know what to believe in, others may put their faith in the wrong information, and some might do a bit of research to eliminate the conclusions that are partial or exaggerated.

Watch this short video to find out what Dr. Mehta has to say about comparison and context.

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Dr. Mehta is on hand to help us work out which research is worthy of our attention!

Which studies should I believe? 

There are so many studies being quoted all over the place! One recommends a certain level of drinking but another study negates it. There's some excitement about dairy being harmful, followed by statements that it isn't! How do we know what to believe? What should we embrace and strive towards? 

Dr. Tushar Mehta describes the characteristics of a good study, to help us work out which studies we should ignore and which ones we should pay attention to. 

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Meet Mihir - The man who is 'popping' his way into our taste-buds with REAL spices and seasoning!

I would like you to meet Mihir. He worked in the restaurant business for over a decade, and being the food connoisseur that he is, he wanted to continue working with food, whilst making a sideways step outside of restaurants. He started in his kitchen, met with focus groups, created a business plan, sourced suppliers and a co-packer, and 8 months later, Spice and Infused was born! 

Mihir's business creates popcorn with a difference! Scroll down and find out more. 

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Vegan eats in the West Coast of America

Jilna has been vegan for three years. She lives in London, and has always found it easy to grab a bite to eat or dine out. However, she hasn't always had the same experience when travelling abroad.

That changed in 2015! She holidayed in the West coast of America, and realised, that what she had heard about vegan options was no exaggeration! They were great! She was thoroughly impressed! 

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