But so many studies say that fish is good for you...
We've all been there. We hear one thing and we accept it because it makes sense. But then, we hear something that contradicts it and we're left confused. Some of us may end up giving up because we don't know what to believe in, others may put their faith in the wrong information, and some might do a bit of research to eliminate the conclusions that are partial or exaggerated.
Watch this short video to find out what Dr. Mehta has to say about comparison and context.
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Marco, is a lovely gentleman who has been vegan for over 10 years now, He also own The Tofu Box, which he created to help others make delicious, fresh tofu at home.
He and his wife (Cinzia) love to travel in Europe, and they are especially fond of Germany and Italy. Before each trip Cinzia does some research to find out if there are new local vegan eateries. They particularly enjoy eating in local, informal places, instead of fancy restaurants. So for those of you who want to eat delicious food in Germany, without spending lots of money, this article will be really helpful!
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This article has been written by Kaleb Rogers. He's been vegan for a few years, and like many others, he's shied away from being open about it. I love the lighthearted way in which, he's captured the dilemmas he's faced, along with when he felt safe enough to openly, talk about his lifestyle.
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Which studies should I believe?
There are so many studies being quoted all over the place! One recommends a certain level of drinking but another study negates it. There's some excitement about dairy being harmful, followed by statements that it isn't! How do we know what to believe? What should we embrace and strive towards?
Dr. Tushar Mehta describes the characteristics of a good study, to help us work out which studies we should ignore and which ones we should pay attention to.
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I would like you to meet Lisa Gawthorne. She is the author of the bite sized health and fitness saviour “Gone in 60 minutes.”
Lisa is a vegan athlete and I think the pictures speak for themselves. She's healthy, lean and toned, and she's done it all on a vegan diet! Find out about how she shifted from a vegetarian diet to vegan one, and read about the results that followed.
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Italian and gluten free
I heard good things about La Polenteria and was keen to check it out. I was so glad we went. At the point of ordering, I hadn't realised that it was completely gluten free. I loved the way the taste, texture and presentation of the food! Being gluten free didn't take anything away from it at all.
Find out more about the meal, the atmosphere and the service at La Polenteria.
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I read about Healing Boxes recently and loved the idea of it quite quickly. However, when I found out more about the owners, (Grace and Linus), how and why they made their first Healing Box, and what motivates them to create these amazing boxes; I was left with a feeling of wanting to identify people who need them, so I can gift a box to them!
Keep reading to find out what made me feel this way! :
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I would like you to meet Mihir. He worked in the restaurant business for over a decade, and being the food connoisseur that he is, he wanted to continue working with food, whilst making a sideways step outside of restaurants. He started in his kitchen, met with focus groups, created a business plan, sourced suppliers and a co-packer, and 8 months later, Spice and Infused was born!
Mihir's business creates popcorn with a difference! Scroll down and find out more.
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A vegetarian pub in London?
I found out about the Coach and Horses being 100% vegetarian and couldn't wait to check it out! I later found out that they have vegan options, which made me even more excited!
I was a bit dubious about what the food would be like. Would it only include burgers? Would there be dessert? Would there be lots of vegans options?
Keep reading to find out what I thought about my vegan lunch there.
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Jilna has been vegan for three years. She lives in London, and has always found it easy to grab a bite to eat or dine out. However, she hasn't always had the same experience when travelling abroad.
That changed in 2015! She holidayed in the West coast of America, and realised, that what she had heard about vegan options was no exaggeration! They were great! She was thoroughly impressed!
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Are you being bombarded by all the would-be 'nutritionists' you know who are concerned about you going, or staying, vegan? Are you worried about the scary information they're sharing, which is a case for, vegan diets resulting in poor health and illness? Do you feel stifled as a result? Don't worry any more. Harpreet (Nutrition graduate) will help debunk some myths, share nutritional facts and make practical suggestions that will bring you peace of mind!
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